
#WorkFromHome: How To Reboot Your Relationship While On Lockdown

#WorkFromHome: How To Reboot Your Relationship While On Lockdown

The global shift towards work-from-home policies, driven by the need to combat COVID-19, has rapidly made "social distancing" a household term. This new reality makes reconnection with colleagues and loved ones more vital than ever to combat feelings of isolation....

Why Being A Resilient Leader Is More Than Just A Buzzword

Why Being A Resilient Leader Is More Than Just A Buzzword

Gamechanger, disruptor, innovator, and of course...authentic are all labels that have been heavily touted to describe leadership. As leaders are facing change and uncertainty at a rate never seen before, due to the coronavirus - a new kid on the block has emerged....

Why Great Coaching Is Easy To Spot But Hard To Emulate

Why Great Coaching Is Easy To Spot But Hard To Emulate

I co-wrote this article with my coaching colleague Kvon Tucker As #COVID-19 spreads, leaders at all levels are being tested. Being properly supported and coached well is critical to navigating these uncertain times while #workingfromhome. There's no shortage of...

#Coronavirus: A Leaders Call To Action

#Coronavirus: A Leaders Call To Action

Whether it's whining, worrying, or welcoming - people's reactions to dealing with the #coronavirus is having a significant impact in the workplace. Doing their part in protecting their employees, and combating the spread of this virus, Twitter and Google announced a...

Why The Best Leaders Are Big Softies

Why The Best Leaders Are Big Softies

I co-wrote this article with my coaching colleague Kvon Tucker Hard vs. Soft has been at the core of many debates in life from eggs, mattresses, to even toilet paper but never has it been more critical when defining the necessary skills for leaders to thrive. Leaders...

Leaders, Pay Attention To Your Karma. Here’s Why.

Leaders, Pay Attention To Your Karma. Here’s Why.

"Karma is a dish best served cold" "Karma never loses an address" "Karma is like a rubber band" Karma: Life's little way of saying "Let's see how you like it" Never has so much been quoted by someone that doesn't exist...well, not in the physical form at least. The...

7 Linkedin Content Creators Who Use Words Effectively

7 Linkedin Content Creators Who Use Words Effectively

"A picture can speak a thousand words, but a thousand words can paint you a thousand pictures" Evy Michaels We are living in a world drawing in information yet starving for wisdom. And why is that? Simply put, there is a lot of people making a lot of noise online....

Why Growth Mindset Matters In 2020

Why Growth Mindset Matters In 2020

Markets are driven by growth and they get more competitive by the day, meaning that to survive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it pays to have a growth mindset. Whether you want to succeed in business or in business more generally, leaders at all levels will need...

Why Empathy Separates Good Managers From Great Ones

Why Empathy Separates Good Managers From Great Ones

The best practices in management seem to change from year to year or even month-to-month, but there’s one skill in particular that will never go out of style, empathy. As a coach, who works with managers and leaders of all types, I can honestly say the difference...

5 Things My Dad Left Me Before Dying Of #Cancer

5 Things My Dad Left Me Before Dying Of #Cancer

PLEASE READ: I don't believe in miracles. I don't even believe in coincidences. I think everything happens for a reason and sometimes those reasons don't appear but we are challenged to embrace them nonetheless. What happened over my recent trip home to New York is...

Productivity Secrets Of Successful Leaders

Productivity Secrets Of Successful Leaders

The following article is all about increasing your professional productivity by improving your relationship to time management. #ProductivityHacks DEDICATED TO ALL THE AMAZING AND HARD WORKING ADMINS & EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS AROUND THE WORLD..."THANK YOU FOR...

Rethink Your Career Before Failing Up The Corporate Ladder

Rethink Your Career Before Failing Up The Corporate Ladder

The workplace is changing. The workforce is changing as well. While more and more people are starting their own companies, opting to work for smaller corporations and work from home, the corporate ladder still exists. It exists, but it too is changing. It used to be...

The Subtle Phrase That Derails Workplace Collaboration

The Subtle Phrase That Derails Workplace Collaboration

Every day in the U.S. alone, there's an average of 11 million meetings taking place. That's a lot of meetings. The average employee will spend over five hours each week sitting in these meetings and over four hours preparing for them, so it's no wonder why people get...

Goodbye C-Suite. Hello C-Sweet.

Goodbye C-Suite. Hello C-Sweet.

It used to mean something to have a few letters after your name on your business card or your office door. It still does, but those initials are changing. Even the initials that remain take on new meaning as the face of companies and businesses change. If the way we...

Embrace The Fact You’re Going To Give Up. Here’s Why.

Embrace The Fact You’re Going To Give Up. Here’s Why.

News flash: Technology has made us (more) impatient. Who hasn’t stood in front of their microwave, waited for an Uber or stood in line for something and shouted, ‘hurry up’. We have become spoiled for choice and we are still not happy. It seems the faster our access...

Death To The Social Media #Influencer

Death To The Social Media #Influencer

The term influencer used to be connected to large corporations, big firms or a particular product. Now, it’s attached to individuals themselves. Now it’s not just a term to refer to someone, but a highly sought after occupation. Or is it? Why are people so concerned...

Stop Asking Leaders To Be Authentic. Here’s Why.

Stop Asking Leaders To Be Authentic. Here’s Why.

In an age of ‘alternative facts’, ‘fake news’ and leaders who blatantly lie without blinking, we can’t be blamed for our search and desire for authenticity. It’s exhausting. But what are we looking for? The Truth? Maybe, we can’t handle the truth. Asking for...

5 Reasons You Should Fire Yourself From Your Client

5 Reasons You Should Fire Yourself From Your Client

You have probably been there before when a client seems to think they are the only client in the world. Where they expect you to give them all your attention, to be constantly on call, and will complain when you deliver anything they believe is less than 100 percent....

4 Signs You’re The Loner On The Team

4 Signs You’re The Loner On The Team

Being a loner has never been known to be a good thing. It may have worked for John Bender and Jason Dean, but that's high school, and those where characters from movies (extra points if you know which ones). These days, organizations are touting the need...

It’s Okay To Be Bold. Here’s How To Start.

It’s Okay To Be Bold. Here’s How To Start.

Advancing in your career, let alone life takes a little luck and a lot of work but in the end, you hopefully land where you want to be which is happy and successful. How you get there is the real question. We all know the folklore about the famous success stories...

How Good Managers Become Great Coaches

How Good Managers Become Great Coaches

Coaching is a lot of things, but it isn’t a lot of the things it’s claimed to be: It’s not a quick fix. It's not easy. It’s not a magical pill. AND it’s definitely not about you, the manager. Successful Managers know unlocking the employee’s potential to maximize...

The 4 Letter Word Great Leaders Use

The 4 Letter Word Great Leaders Use

You’re ready to address your list of to-dos when unexpectedly your attention is needed elsewhere, or you’re stymied by a problem where you have no solution. Building on feeling frustrated, the internal feeling turns into resentment, anxiety, overwhelm, and ultimately...

Why The Best Bosses Have The Biggest Hearts

Why The Best Bosses Have The Biggest Hearts

People bring a lot of things to work on a daily basis that they probably should just leave at home. For example, personal drama and kids. But there’s one thing that should always be brought to the workplace -- that’s your heart. And the best bosses know and practice...

Stop Being So Grateful. No Seriously, Stop. Here’s Why.

Stop Being So Grateful. No Seriously, Stop. Here’s Why.

They say that "one person's trash is another person's treasure." Who is "they", and how do "they" know when or what I should be grateful for? Every day we are forced into believing that we should be grateful for what we have or else. Else what? The else of course is...

5 Things To Consider Before Posting On Linkedin

5 Things To Consider Before Posting On Linkedin

Six years ago, when I logged onto Linkedin, I had one clear mission and one larger question, which was: how can I inspire 1,000,000 people on this platform. What happened next was definitely not expected but openly embraced. I posted a quote. Nothing quite...

Time Lost Cannot Be Regained. Here’s Why You Should Care.

Time Lost Cannot Be Regained. Here’s Why You Should Care.

The other day, my youngest whose almost three, strolled up next to me as I was working and said, "Dada, look at what I made!" with a cute and excited voice. I immediately replied, "one second, I am just sending out an email (as if he knew, or cared what that was)." No...

Career Engagement Begins With You

Career Engagement Begins With You

Got a case of the Mondays? No seriously. You wouldn't be the first, and you're probably not the last. It's no wonder why come Sunday, people dread going to work the next day. The reality is that the vast majority of Americans hate Monday not because it’s the beginning...

Why Being Too Happy Is Bad For Your Career

Why Being Too Happy Is Bad For Your Career

Being happy may have worked out well for Bobby McFerrin, but that doesn't mean you should walk around with a "fake it until you make it" mentality. In life, there are definitely things that we overindulge on that we probably shouldn't, such as alcohol consumption,...

The Real Reasons Your 2019 Commitments Won’t Last

The Real Reasons Your 2019 Commitments Won’t Last

In a world that appears to be heavily divided at times, it's comforting to know that regardless of your race, religion, or political views, we're most likely all going to fail together on our 2019 commitments before Valentine's Day even hits. Not exactly the storybook...

3 Reasons Your Company Has A Weak Coaching Culture

3 Reasons Your Company Has A Weak Coaching Culture

Leaders don't listen. There, I said it. Okay, maybe not all leaders - but many of them are guilty of being overworked, under developed and lacking adequate time management skills, which as a result doesn't allow them take the time to truly listen to their people...

Workplace Shaming: Some Employees Need A Time Out

Workplace Shaming: Some Employees Need A Time Out

Recently, my oldest son came to me about a situation at school. He was being bullied by someone three grades older than him. As a parent, this is one of those conversations you probably dread having. My wife and I successfully handled it by talking to someone at his...

I Wrote 200 LinkedIn Articles

I Wrote 200 LinkedIn Articles

If you had asked me if I was planning to write more after publishing my first LinkedIn article "I've Got Two Words For You" on March 4th, 2015, my answer would have been a resounding no. But a funny thing happened shortly after I hit submit. I saw my first comment...



One of the most popular and frequently overused phrases around time management is ‘Work smarter not harder'. The reality is that we all have the same 24 hours in the day. The truth is, it's your relationship to those 24 hours that will dictate the level and list of...

4 Ways You Undermine Your Self-Worth

4 Ways You Undermine Your Self-Worth

We all want to be there for our friends, family and colleagues but what happens when you start putting the needs of others in place of your own? The answer is simple, you self-worth suffers and you become depleted. That's the problem with putting other people first,...

The Best Advice For Raising Future Leaders

The Best Advice For Raising Future Leaders

48% of the workforce will be millennials by the year 2020* As a father of two young kids, I know parenting doesn't come with instructions, you learn-as-you-go, navigating a course of action that hopefully provides a positive outcome. Never considering my training in...



We're all running on empty from time to time, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a little left to give. Just as a car can keep going when it hits E (for empty), so can you. The challenge lies in what we believe we can provide and of course what we “assume” others...

5 Signs A Leader Should Step Down

5 Signs A Leader Should Step Down

We all know the pressures associated with sitting in a position of power, so why is it so many hang on to their "hot seat" well past their expiration date? History is paved with stories of public (and not so public) figures who where either removed from their post...



Keep your mouth shut if it could start a fight. Does someone snare you into an unwinnable verbal duel? It affords the person some type of gratification of acting out argumentative tendencies. Get into the ring... It’s virtually guaranteed that a TKO will go down I.E...



I want to preface that this article will not be touching on the industry itself, only coaching principles. I won't cover what makes an excellent coach. Nor, will we debate who can actually call themselves coaches. I decided with this piece to keep it directly around...



Let's face it, we all know or have worked with - those who at some point in time were ineffective people. You might say less than accountable or productive. It may have been at work or possibly in your personal life. Professionally we come across all kinds of team...



How can one determine if an individual has what it takes for leadership? There is a myriad of diagnostic tests, profiles, evaluations, and assessments that offer insights into leadership ability, or a lack thereof. The challenge with many of these tools is that are...



 Editor Note: This article is designed for coaches who are looking to create or expand their current practice. Many of the topics I discuss can be used outside of the context of coaching. I don't believe I  am sharing anything groundbreaking. Nor am I sharing my own...

Holding Yourself Back From Success

Holding Yourself Back From Success

Success is not always easy, fair or a walk in the park as someone once noted. The reality is that success is filled with numerous challenges as well as opportunities for growth and possibility. So how can you level the playing field and create more ease, fairness and...



There is no denying the power, prowess, and presence that Bruce Lee bestowed upon the millions of fans during his time. He was a Hollywood superstar and martial artist extraordinaire. He was also a notable philosopher. His tragic death brought his life's work to light...

Your Manager Lacks Emotional Intelligence

Your Manager Lacks Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence has become a popular topic in the field of psychological research. It's especially popular in leadership development. Research about the way today's workforce interacts is a growing field. And EQ is also a critical component for one's wellbeing....



"If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry. If it's not fixable, then there is no help in worrying." - Dalai Lama News flash...if you have a tendency to overthink things, you're simply being...



You might work in an open-space office environment. Or you may sit at a desk enclosed by timeless (and design-less) grey and beige cubicle walls. Either way, one similarity probably exists ... You work alongside other people. Those people can kill your productivity....



I have spent the past fifteen plus years of my career developing leaders around the world and the past four as a proud "dad" and father to my son. Every now and again, I read something that immediately stops me in my tracks professionally and makes think about things...

Develop Intuition Skyrocket Your Career

Develop Intuition Skyrocket Your Career

"Trust your intuition." These three little words have captivated me for as long as I can recall. I can't remember the exact time I heard this phrase but it surely has stuck around over the years. What began as an initial interest and curiosity has blossomed into a...

How To Improve Your Executive Presence

How To Improve Your Executive Presence

Fact: 80% or more of your communication is non-verbal At some point in your life, you are going to be asked to make a speech, conduct a meeting or make a presentation as an executive presence. As much as you prep and plan - getting in front of a group of people can be...



Some labels are on the inside where they belong, like a piece of clothing, while others are in plain sight where you can't miss them, like the ingredients on a can. Then there are those that are invisible to the eye but have the greatest impact of all...workplace...

Stay Balanced At Work: Mindfulness .VS. Meditation

Stay Balanced At Work: Mindfulness .VS. Meditation

HOW TO STAY BALANCED AT WORK: mindfulness vs meditation If achieving work-life balance is a top goal for many busy people around the world, then why is it so hard to reach? We hear terms almost daily about mindfulness training and mediation, but what does it all mean?...

Being Authentic: The Ultimate Leadership Trap

Being Authentic: The Ultimate Leadership Trap

Upon completing my first book, "I Call Bullshit: Live Your Life, Not Someone Else's" I was bombarded with questions around the word "authentic" and what it means to live a life authentically. In today's workplace, being labeled authentic or an authentic leader has...

When Life Throws You A Sucker Punch, Here’s 5 Ways To Punch Back

When Life Throws You A Sucker Punch, Here’s 5 Ways To Punch Back

AUTHORS' NOTE: This is the story of two strangers who on the outside, couldn’t be more different, but on the inside found a common connection through pain, purpose, laughter and learning only to arrive at the same place. This is our article, enjoy! - Joshua...

Why “I Called Bullshit” And Why You Should Too

Why “I Called Bullshit” And Why You Should Too

You are full of shit. I know, I just insulted you and it’s only the first sentence, but wait—let me explain. You see, we are all full of shit. You and Me. Scientifically speaking, we are all walking around with 5 to 10 pounds of crap inside of us, but this isn’t a...

When A Leaders Weakness Is Their Greatest Strength

When A Leaders Weakness Is Their Greatest Strength

All leaders all flawed. There I said it. Well, to be fair we are all flawed. Sure, leaders are under the microscope and prone to more scrutiny than others, especially in the workplace - but when it comes down to it, if you are a human being, you have flaws. The good...

My Purpose, My Message…My TED Talk

My Purpose, My Message…My TED Talk

For those who know me, know that being asked to do a TED Talk was a bucket list item for me and high on the list at that. It's an honor to be asked and I was excited at the opportunity to get on stage and share my story. What many don't know is why I chose the topic I...

Why Leaders Should Embrace An Abundance Mindset

Why Leaders Should Embrace An Abundance Mindset

In all my years of working with leaders around "being their best", I have found the wise words of Steven Covey (from his amazing book "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People") and his work on adopting an Abundance Mindset to be the best resource. Leaders are in...

4 Warning Signs Coaching Is Not Right For Your Employee

4 Warning Signs Coaching Is Not Right For Your Employee

Quick...get them a coach! Sounds like something you would hear in a hospital E.R. (minus the coach part of course), except this is a phrase that is indeed used in emergencies except its' not in a hospital but in the workplace. Having an organization invest in their...

Your Biggest Challenge In 2018 Is Yourself. Here’s Why.

Your Biggest Challenge In 2018 Is Yourself. Here’s Why.

Ahhh....a new year is once again upon us! Can you feel it? All those new goals and dreams just waiting for you... Sounds great right? Well, not so see there's the little thing called reality which loves to sabotage your happiness and comes in the form of...

5 Signs You’re A “Wanna-preneur” & Not An Entrepreneur

5 Signs You’re A “Wanna-preneur” & Not An Entrepreneur

There's a fine line between hustling and being a hustler and with the rise of more 20 something entrepreneurial CEO's in the world, it's safe to say: "The Hustle Is Real" Or is it? The definition itself has two very different meanings: Busy movement and activity vs. A...

An Open Letter: To Anyone Whose Been Rejected

An Open Letter: To Anyone Whose Been Rejected

Earlier this month I had the pleasure of speaking on a panel to a few hundred people about Learning and Leadership. What was supposed to be a conversation about achieving success through learning and developing your leadership skills, quickly turned to the topic of...

7 Benefits From Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

7 Benefits From Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

People talk about stepping outside their comfort zone like it's stepping into the Twilight Zone, a mysterious place no one dares to voyage to on their own. The problem with this thinking is that it keeps us safe and that's not always a good thing. Being comforted is...

8 Cliche Phrases That Zap A Leader’s Credibility

8 Cliche Phrases That Zap A Leader’s Credibility

Not all leaders are created equal and nor are the phrases they speak. When it comes to cliché comments in the workplace, there are a dime a dozen. These days in the workplace, we take words at face value and that’s not always a good thing. The problem is we're afraid...

3 Signs Your Leader Has A Wishbone Not A Backbone

3 Signs Your Leader Has A Wishbone Not A Backbone

Funny thing about trust: So many want it...So little deserve it...And so few can maintain it. We put our careers in the hands of strangers with the hope and promise that they will take care of us and develop us professionally but that's simply not always the case....

The One Emotion That Derails Your Performance At Work

The One Emotion That Derails Your Performance At Work

Would you know if you suffered from anxiety at work? Maybe, but maybe not and you wouldn't be alone. Since most people don't willingly walk around the office with a sign on their chest saying "I have anxiety" - it's pretty hard to distinguish if someone is just having...

Want Today To Be Great? Then Show Up.

Want Today To Be Great? Then Show Up.

Let's face it, no one ever wakes up in the morning wishing for a horrible day. The fact is, no matter how many quotes you read, mantras you recite, meditations you do or podcasts you listen to - there are two certainties you can count on as your day unfolds: 1)...

Praise vs. The Pedestal: The Curse Of The New Leader

Praise vs. The Pedestal: The Curse Of The New Leader

Is there such thing as too much praise for a new leader? The short answer is yes. Absolutely. For many new leaders, the transition into a new role, company or culture is often accompanied by some form of internal and/or external PR. In some cases, it's the full red...

The 10 Biggest Regrets In Life & How To Avoid Them

The 10 Biggest Regrets In Life & How To Avoid Them

This past year has been a whirlwind of ups and downs both personally and professionally. Along the way I hit some extraordinary highs while also suffering some amazing and unforeseen setbacks but even as I sit here and write this article, I wouldn't have had it any...

Why Being A Pushover Is Killing Your Career

Why Being A Pushover Is Killing Your Career

Being labeled as a push over is one title you don't want. Sure, there are times where you will "take one for the team" but how for many teams and for how long? At some point, you must draw a line, otherwise you fall victim to the potential of being called a pushover....

How I Literally Fell Into Coaching & Found My Purpose

How I Literally Fell Into Coaching & Found My Purpose

*This article was originally published and featured on ThriveGlobal. Dedicated to anyone who believes there is more to life than working in a job that doesn't fulfill their purpose or passion. There I was, hustling out of my well-paying big shot advertising office -...

Simon “Said”, I Listened & It Worked

Simon “Said”, I Listened & It Worked

I wasn't always a fan of Simon. In fact, I was what you could call a Simon Cynic. I thought here comes yet another person telling us what to do, how to do it and why it's important. As a native New Yorker, my skepticism was big and my cynicism was bigger. I grew up as...

Stand Up Comedy: The One Spotlight Leaders Should Embrace

Stand Up Comedy: The One Spotlight Leaders Should Embrace

Knock knock...who's there? "A broken pencil." "A broken pencil who?" "Never mind, it's pointless." (cue: Applause) That's the extent of my stand up so please don't boo me off the Pulse Platform. Standup comedy has never been for the faint of heart and the same could...

Need To Apologize? Follow This Method

Need To Apologize? Follow This Method

All too often we sit and wait, pensive at times while other times patient...and for what? The elusive apology. I say elusive because often it gets lost in the mail, cyberspace or the literal space between someone's ears. The point is this: Apologies are great and when...

Goodbye Transactional Leader. Hello Transformational.

Goodbye Transactional Leader. Hello Transformational.

Nowadays, everyone wants to be the game changer, the underdog, the disruptor or whatever the next buzz word is - but in the pursuit of greatness and IPO's, many leaders lose their way and forget "how" to manage people. For some it's quite easy because they are better...

Gary’s Words, My Thoughts & One Month. Here’s What I Learned

Gary’s Words, My Thoughts & One Month. Here’s What I Learned

I always look for inspiration in random places. I've found in doing this, I push myself beyond what I believe and know to be true and begin exercising new beliefs and habits that undoubtedly bring me closer to who I am at my core. I've always found a lot of...

5 Types Of Friends “In Your Circle” But Not In Your Corner.

5 Types Of Friends “In Your Circle” But Not In Your Corner.

Often times in life we do what we think is "best" versus what's right. The same holds true for the friends we keep and the advice we take in from those same people. I've had my fair share of learning when it comes to trusting the wrong people at the right times and as...

The Phrase “It’s A Blank Canvas” Is A Trap. Here’s Why.

The Phrase “It’s A Blank Canvas” Is A Trap. Here’s Why.

Skies the limit. Feel free to do whatever you wish. It's a new role so we are open to fresh ideas. It's wide open, we are looking for you to tell us. Sound familiar? These are just some of the many phrases associated with the phrase "it's a blank canvas" when a...

A Coaching Culture: Why Leaders Struggle As Coaches (Part 3)

A Coaching Culture: Why Leaders Struggle As Coaches (Part 3)

Often times when leaders struggle as coaches it's due to their environment and not their aptitude or attitude. In fact the most common question I get from my corporate clients: How can we create a coaching culture? Many organizations have tried to crack the code on...

Vegan Leadership: A Raw, Organic & Gluten Free Article.

Vegan Leadership: A Raw, Organic & Gluten Free Article.

Throughout time, successful leaders have demonstrated an undeniable appetite to learn and lead others. So naturally, when it came to writing another article on Leaders and Development, I wanted to look at one area that is rarely if it all ever discussed... Their...

Why You (Yes You) Need A Board Of Directors

Why You (Yes You) Need A Board Of Directors

Board of Directors are typically known for driving the direction and influencing key decisions for large companies. But what if you were responsible for making decisions for brands like an Amazon, Nike or Starbucks - could you do it alone without any help or guidance?...

5 Ways Toddlers Can Teach Leaders About Sharing Talent

5 Ways Toddlers Can Teach Leaders About Sharing Talent

Finding good talent is tough. Keeping great talent is tougher. Sharing exceptional talent is the toughest. Organizational leaders have been plagued with what I call "Headcount Hysteria™" for many (many) years. This condition revolves around the sharing of...

Attitude vs. Behavior: Why Leaders Struggle As Coaches (Part 2)

Attitude vs. Behavior: Why Leaders Struggle As Coaches (Part 2)

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to your office (cue the dramatic music), the lurking leader awaits - patiently waiting to provide you some coaching regarding your performance. There's only one small problem...the leader believes they know what to address...

Loss Sucks, But It Doesn’t Have To. Here’s Why.

Loss Sucks, But It Doesn’t Have To. Here’s Why.

Human life. Relationships. Personal items. Friendships. Employment. Paycheck. Dignity. For some, loss shows up as a rejection and is quite personal, while for others it's an annoying speed bump in their day. There are two truths to loss, the first is that it comes in...

Why Leaders Struggle As Coaches. It’s Not What You Think.

Why Leaders Struggle As Coaches. It’s Not What You Think.

For some, managing others is a welcomed challenge and a true calling but for others, it's a chore and a cavernous time suck. There are many facets to managing employees but todays focus is on coaching and when it comes to this skillset, the divide grows greater. The...

The Truth About Introverted Leaders

The Truth About Introverted Leaders

Leaders on the frontline are the ones most commonly talked about but what about those on the sidelines - the ones who lead with quiet confidence? Enter the Introverted Leader. Some of the most widely recognized leaders, innovators and influencers in history may have...

4 Harsh Truths About Self-Help. Brace Yourself.

4 Harsh Truths About Self-Help. Brace Yourself.

The self-help industry is mired in promises of enlightenment and quick-fixes, so much so it brings in over $10 billion dollars a year - yes that's with capital B. As a society, we are primed for developing ourselves both personally and professionally and this is good...

Why Successful People Use Analogies And So Should You

Why Successful People Use Analogies And So Should You

Mastering the art of the analogy can save you time, money and resources which is why successful people use them daily and understand their importance, influence an impact in the workplace. This article will breakdown what an analogy is, how it's used and what to watch...

How To Create Your Own Luck (Rabbit’s Foot Optional)

How To Create Your Own Luck (Rabbit’s Foot Optional)

Whether you're a Duck, a Coin, a Lady, a Star or a bowl of Charms, it's safe to say that Luck comes in many forms. The real question is, "does any of it really work and is it possible to create your own?" Sure, there's your iconic rabbits foot, four-leaf clover, and...

Listen Up Leaders, Your Energy “Is” Your Calling Card

Listen Up Leaders, Your Energy “Is” Your Calling Card

Ever had the experience of a complete stranger entering a room, and you immediately dislike them (even if you don't know them)? Or, what about meeting someone for the first time and you're simply captivated and drawn to that person in some unexplainable way? Sound...

The Best Interview Questions No One Is Asking (& Should)

The Best Interview Questions No One Is Asking (& Should)

The Interview. When it goes smoothly, you love the process and can't stop telling your friends and family all about it. When it's tough and feels like you are starring in an episode of "when animals attack" (and you're not the animal) we tend to hate the process....

6 Commonly Used Phrases That Backfire

6 Commonly Used Phrases That Backfire

Even with the best intentions, sometimes the words we use land in the other persons lap like a piano dropped from the sky. Certain common phrases we (all) use daily have a rapid tendency to backfire especially when used in the wrong situations with the right people....

10 Ways Martial Arts Can Boost Your Leadership

10 Ways Martial Arts Can Boost Your Leadership

In my previous article How To Improve Your Executive Presence And Command A Room I discussed this topic in great detail and presented some ways to begin applying yourself in the workplace to boost your presence. I recently re-read the book Bruce Lee: Artist of Lifeand...

Stop Making Bad Decisions. Here’s How.

Stop Making Bad Decisions. Here’s How.

Remember that catchy phrase? I bet you do. It was great when we were kids but no so much now as adults. We live in a world where we are pressured to make so many quick decisions. Some unconsciously; while other are direct and in the moment. Others we simply agonize...

7 Ways Kids Can Teach Adults To Be Happier

7 Ways Kids Can Teach Adults To Be Happier

Dedicated to my son Hudson who turns 1 today. Thank you for reminding me the value and importance of being happy. Happy Birthday! Love, DaDa. The other day I noticed my 5 year old sitting in his room with a big smile on his face. I asked why he looked so happy. He...

You Are A Role Model, Now Act Like It.

You Are A Role Model, Now Act Like It.

You and I have a lot in common, you just don't know it yet. We both share one fierce responsibility, and it has nothing to do with status, age, money or religion. It's not about where you live, the color of your skin or the langue you speak. We are both role models,...

10 Signs You Have A Victim Mentality At Work

10 Signs You Have A Victim Mentality At Work

The victim mindset dilutes the human potential. By not accepting personal responsibility for our circumstances, we greatly reduce our power to change them. - Steve Maraboli Being a victim sucks. Playing the victim in the workplace is a job no one ever applied for but...

10 Signs Your Job Has Become A “J-O-B”​

10 Signs Your Job Has Become A “J-O-B”​

Fact: The average person will spend roughly90,360 hours at the office over the course of their lifetime. Staying engaged at work can be challenging. So much so, the Gallup Organization recently reported that in 2016; only 32.6% of individuals felt engaged in the...

Hey You…You’re Awesome. Here’s Why.

Hey You…You’re Awesome. Here’s Why.

I know...I know...this guy? Right? Trust me, there is a great reason for why I am writing this and it doesn't have anything to do with the Note Book or La La Land. In fact, I thought it was time to simply write a short but poignant post about why you (the reader) are...

Pause & Boost Your Career. Here’s How.

Pause & Boost Your Career. Here’s How.

"Stop and smell the roses" That lovely phrase sounds great if you live in a rose garden, but seeing as most of us aren't florists and live in a world that is fast paced and short on second chances - slowing down (let alone pausing) is a behavior many would hate to see...

Who Do You Follow On Linkedin?

Who Do You Follow On Linkedin?

When it comes to pursuing what ignites your soul, the options are endless and quite subjective. One obvious and popular option is Linkedin, with it's host of #influencers - it's almost a given you can find someone, sharing something about a topic relevant to you and...

Pause Your Plan B. Stick To Your Plan A.

Pause Your Plan B. Stick To Your Plan A.

So your initial plan didn't work out? Sorry to hear that, but before you go running to your back up plan you may want to read on. Recently a colleague of mine asked me for my opinion (not coaching) on what they should do after their initial plan failed. I asked, what...

5 Warning Signs You’re Not A Culture Fit

5 Warning Signs You’re Not A Culture Fit

“Why fit in if you were born to stand out?” - Dr. Seuss When it comes to companies these days, "culture" is the buzzword that most employees zero in on. We look at company's cultures with insane detail to unlock what makes them tick, understand why people love to work...

The 7 Best Books On Increasing Your EQ

The 7 Best Books On Increasing Your EQ

When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion. - Dale Carnegie I constantly get asked about Emotional Intelligence and if it's really "that" important to develop. The short answer is yes. Developing your...

The Truth About Leaders Who Lie

The Truth About Leaders Who Lie

"If the words don't add up, it's usually because the truth wasn't added into the equation" "I cannot tell a lie" Remember that famous quote from George Washington about cutting down the cherry tree? Funny thing, he actually never said it. Kind of ironic considering he...

Coaching: Managers vs. Leaders

Coaching: Managers vs. Leaders

"Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things." - Peter Drucker On my most recent Mastermind Group Call, I was asked about how hard it is to coach managers versus leaders. A pretty loaded question and one that's not so simple to answer....

How To Protest With Purpose

How To Protest With Purpose

Article 19 states that "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; yet not every one receives it. This right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless...

Dear Travis: I Have An Idea

Dear Travis: I Have An Idea

Dear Travis, I know you are a busy man so I promise to be brief. Let me begin by congratulating you on all your success thus far. A true inspiration! On my last Uber experience (while stuck in gridlock on the 405) I had a great idea, which I wanted to share with you....

4 Internal Conversations That Plague Your Potential

4 Internal Conversations That Plague Your Potential

Living up to one's potential is never an easy task, but it definitely doesn't need to be an arduous one either. We all struggle from self-defeating internal commentary about our abilities - this is nothing new. The real conversation you need to be looking at is what...

Want To Give Up? Not So Fast. Read This.

Want To Give Up? Not So Fast. Read This.

"I've had it, I quit." "I am so over this." "It's too hard." "It's not worth it." "It was never worth my time." Are you? Really? At some point in time, we have all been there - the moment we hit those crossroads between giving up and pushing forward. In fact, quitting...

One Agreement Leaders Should Make

One Agreement Leaders Should Make

Awareness is always the first step because if you are not aware, there is nothing you can change.  I just returned from the holidays having re-read The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Arguably one of the best books of the 20th century. The book advocates personal...

4 Ways To Live 2017 Without Regrets

4 Ways To Live 2017 Without Regrets

Can I get a do-over? - Said Everyone What if tomorrow was the last day of your life, would you have any regrets regarding the things you did or didn't do? We have all experienced a sense of remorse or regret at some point in our lives. If you haven’t, then you're one...

How To Navigate Life’s Toughest Transitions

How To Navigate Life’s Toughest Transitions

It isn't the changes that do you in, it's the transitions. - William Bridges For many in the L&OD world, William Bridges work in the change management arena has been widely utilized and received as a staple to navigating various enterprise wide change initiatives....

How To Recover From A Bad Post On Linkedin

How To Recover From A Bad Post On Linkedin

"Uh-oh" - Said anyone on Linkedin We've all been there before...that moment when you hit post, only to then realize maybe that wasn't such a good idea. Sure we have the beautiful buffer of the "delete" function (after the fact) but what happens when your intentions...

What To Say (& Not To Say) During Your Performance Review

What To Say (& Not To Say) During Your Performance Review

The performance review...for some it's daily, for others it's quarterly and for many it comes right around the holiday at year end. These days, many companies are forgoing the more traditional aspects of performance reviews but even if the landscape changes, for many...

How To Forgive & Forget: A Holiday Share

How To Forgive & Forget: A Holiday Share

If we really want to love, we must learn to forgive. - Mother Theresa Aaah....the holidays, a time to be thankful and rejoice. For many, it's also a time to forgive and forget. The phrase "to forgive and forget" can be easy to understand but challenging and quite...

Rocky’s 11 Beliefs On Going The Distance

Rocky’s 11 Beliefs On Going The Distance

#BestWorkDay Long before there was Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, there was the true People's Champ commonly known as the Italian Stallone or to his close friends Rocky, Rocco or just Rock. I grew up watching the original Rocky and have seen every sequel since. It's hard...

Optimist vs. Pessimist: The Power Of Positive Thinking

Optimist vs. Pessimist: The Power Of Positive Thinking

The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it. - Eckhart Tolle Take your average glass and add some water into it...what do you see? Some see it half empty while others see it half full and so goes the never ending debate about...

FOMO: The Fear Of Missing Out (Spoiler: It’s A Real Thing)

FOMO: The Fear Of Missing Out (Spoiler: It’s A Real Thing)

I missed that? Why did I do that? I wonder what they are doing? Where did you go? When did that happen? How come I didn't know? If any of that sounds familiar, and is part of your daily play list set to shuffle and repeat then you may very well suffer...

The Humble CEO: A (Quick) Rundown

The Humble CEO: A (Quick) Rundown

A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit. - Arnold H. Glasow Nowadays it seems as if every week there is some companies CEO pleading the fifth or denying accountability to why their companies epic...

Why Managers Fear Coaching Employees

Why Managers Fear Coaching Employees

"Coaching - which can help managers talk with subordinates about their developmental needs - absolutely affects the relationship positively." - Time Magazine Why is it some managers are fearless in the face of coaching their people and others panic, paralyzed in the...

5 Reasons Good Leaders Lose Their Way

5 Reasons Good Leaders Lose Their Way

Everyone (including myself) has lost their way at one time or another. That's part of life's beautiful journey. The key of course is to learn along the way and find your way back. So what about leaders in the workplace? Turns out they can't either and more times than...

Narcissistic Leadership: Brace For Impact

Narcissistic Leadership: Brace For Impact

“That’s enough of me talking about myself - let’s hear you talk about me!” - The Narcissistic Leader It would seem that with an election cycle in full bloom, it's only natural that we keep hearing the word "narcissist" used daily in the mainstream news media. Now...

A Man, A Van & A Plan: A (Short) Inspirational Story

A Man, A Van & A Plan: A (Short) Inspirational Story

I am sure you have all seen the Linkedin shares about people who left their comfy corporate job to travel the world and although these are inspiring and aspiring, this particular story is a bit different. Many of those tales draw from someone's angst or frustration...

10 Brain Hacks That Can Dramatically Improve Your Life

10 Brain Hacks That Can Dramatically Improve Your Life

I just finished reading the book: Brainhack: Tips and Tricks to Unleash Your Brain's Full Potential and it spawned this article and my continued love for an excellent brainbased hack that can dramatically improve your life. I love studying the complexity of the human...

7 Ways To Embrace Your Flaws (& Be Awesome)

7 Ways To Embrace Your Flaws (& Be Awesome)

Let's face it, we are all flawed. Yes I said it. We are all flawed in some way, shape or form and although we all want to deny, hide or avoid our flaws - sometimes they are inescapable. I am speaking from experience. For many, self-acceptance is hard to come by on a...

Why Developing Your Curiosity Can Boost Your Career

Why Developing Your Curiosity Can Boost Your Career

Curiosity — a state of active interest or genuinely wanting to know more about something allows you to embrace the unknown, giving you a greater opportunity to experience discovery and joy. When was the last time you challenged what you heard? If you had to think...

15 Habits To Make Any Relationship Last

15 Habits To Make Any Relationship Last

A successful relationship consists of two things... finding similarities, and respecting the differences. I recently re-discovered the 1992 book "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" and was intrigued by the topic around what's needed to make a relationship not...

How Meditation Improves Your Mental Toughness

How Meditation Improves Your Mental Toughness

Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering into the quiet that is already there – buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day. – Deepak Chopra I purposely chose this powerful quote because it's exactly what this...

8 Ways To Spot The Office Bully

8 Ways To Spot The Office Bully

Bullies are everywhere these days; they don't just roam the halls of some school like a bad 80's movie but walk among us in plain site through the halls of our workplace. Some of us actually know one, been on the receiving end of one or at best has watched one in...

How Taking On Linkedin Raised My EQ

How Taking On Linkedin Raised My EQ

This is my 104th article, marking my goal of writing 1 article every week for 2 years straight. I want to dedicate this to the 68,372 people who chose to follow me, trust me and encourage me to do and be a better person. Thank you! I originally wrote about this...

7 Ways To Attract The Right People Into Your Life

7 Ways To Attract The Right People Into Your Life

This powerful quote from Jim Rohn is based on the law of averages and contrary to what many believe isn't backed by any hardcore science but rather in the spirit of common good sense and intuition. There is, of course, the long-standing belief that...

11 Ways To Spot Authentic Leadership

11 Ways To Spot Authentic Leadership

"Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily; even if you had no title or position."  - Brian Tracy When I originally set out to write about authentic leadership, I had grand plans to deliver a truly engaging and eye opening piece but as my research...

How To Survive Working Outside The Box

How To Survive Working Outside The Box

The Advertising Agency. The birthplace of the commonly overused phrase “think outside the box” and made famous most recently by the show MadMen. It also happens to be one of the most challenging, frustrating and toxic working cultures to be successful in. I should...

6 Reasons Employees Hate Receiving Feedback

6 Reasons Employees Hate Receiving Feedback

1 in 4 employees believe their assessments will not help improve their work performance. The dread feedback session...or is it? No one enjoys hearing where they are missing the mark in life but feedback is a necessary evil when learning to grow and develop yourself...

Goodbye Linkedin…

Goodbye Linkedin…

Dedicated to the 35,312 followers who were removed from my account in the middle of the night. I am sorry this happened without your permission.  A few weeks ago I wrote an article titled "Make Linkedin Great Again" outlining my frustration and disappointment with the...

The Importance Of Filtering Your Thoughts At Work

The Importance Of Filtering Your Thoughts At Work

I love Silicon Valley. In fact, it was part of my own personal on-boarding before moving to NorCal/Silicon Valley. The show is brilliantly acted and if you are a fan, then you know Erlich Bachman - the eccentric entrepreneur, low on EQ (and possibly IQ) but high...

How To Successfully Manage Your Former Peers

How To Successfully Manage Your Former Peers

“Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.” ― John Maxwell Congratulations! You just received the promotion of the lifetime. You have gone from "Bud To Boss" and the excitement is overwhelming. You can't resist in sharing...

11 Ways To Start Any Meeting On Time

11 Ways To Start Any Meeting On Time

Ah...the workplace meeting. A time where deals are done, ideas come to life, and teams are forged - that is of course if the meeting actually starts on time which nowadays seems as likely as spotting an actual unicorn in Silicon Valley. The fact is, meetings are...

Make Linkedin Great Again (Please)

Make Linkedin Great Again (Please)

It's with a heavy and conflicted heart I write this post today. I have actually been sitting with this post, my feelings and this particular topic for a while now. I want to be clear and upfront on a few key items: I am not condoning, endorsing or recommending...

7 Signs Workplace Stress Is Making You Sick

7 Signs Workplace Stress Is Making You Sick

80% of workers feel stress on the job, nearly half say they need help in learning how to manage stress and 42% say their coworkers need such help I recently read an article on stress in the workplace that prompted me to delve deeper into this topic as more and more...

8 Signs Your Boss Is Passive Aggressive

8 Signs Your Boss Is Passive Aggressive

If you've ever been held hostage in a conversation with a passive aggressive person then phrases like these should sound familiar: "Fine." "Whatever." "You just want everything to be perfect." "I thought you knew." "You've done so well for someone with your education...

How To Find Your “Pulse” Writing On Linkedin

How To Find Your “Pulse” Writing On Linkedin

Dedicated to all the Pulse Writers who aspire to influence others week in and week out by stepping out onto those skinny (and crowded) branches.  ••• Daniel Roth, Executive Editor at Linkedin wrote an excellent article on how to be successful writing on the Pulse...

9 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Happiness

9 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Happiness

“Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you’re right” – Henry Ford The expression “you are your own worst enemy” is a popular and common phrase for many people. This typically shows up as self-defeating and sabotaging thoughts that hinder both your...

7 Life Lessons On Success From The “GOAT”

7 Life Lessons On Success From The “GOAT”

Dedicated to the Greatest Of All Time, a legend, a father, an inspiration to the world, a believer and of course a fighter. Thank you for showing the rest of the world how to smile in the face of adversity. #GOAT #Ali  As the internet is now exploding with articles...

How CrossFit Forges Managers Into Elite Leaders

How CrossFit Forges Managers Into Elite Leaders

“Be stronger than your strongest excuse.” The connection between working out and creating better leaders is a topic that isn't always discussed and definitely deserves some more exposure. Todays focus is on HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)...

How LEGO Makes Boring Meetings “Awesome”

How LEGO Makes Boring Meetings “Awesome”

You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation. - Plato There’s little denying the impact the LEGO brand has had on the world. I'm a kid at heart and have been using LEGO for both personal and professional reasons for my entire...

Head vs. Heart Leadership: The Great Debate

Head vs. Heart Leadership: The Great Debate

To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart. - Eleanor Roosevelt "The Heart" versus "The Head" continues to be one of the great debates in the world of leaders and leadership development. So much has been written on the topic, but mostly from...

How To Apply “The Law Of Attraction” At Work

How To Apply “The Law Of Attraction” At Work

What you think, you create.  What you feel, you attract.  What imagine, you become. The LOA (Law Of Attraction) has been around for a long time and was promoted most recently through “The Secret” thanks to Oprah and followed by thousands around the world. It's been...

8 Signs You Over Analyze Everything

8 Signs You Over Analyze Everything

While increased choice allows us to achieve objectively better results, it also leads to greater anxiety, indecision and paralysis. -  Psychologist Barry Schwartz; Ted Talk As I was thinking about what to write for my next Pulse article, I noticed a constant pivoting...

15 Things You Should Never Apologize For

15 Things You Should Never Apologize For

The other day someone apologized to me for something they felt bad about. The overall exchange felt forced, inauthentic and lacking sincerity. After a brief conversation with this person regarding the awkward nature of the exchange, we both quickly realized (and...

17 Reminders Why Mom’s Are Awesome

17 Reminders Why Mom’s Are Awesome

Dedicated to my Mom, my wife of our kids and every other Mom who openly, lovingly and tirelessly devotes their time, attention and hearts to there loved ones. Mother {muhth-er} - noun 1. One person who does the work of twenty. (For free)  Although sometimes referred...

8 Reasons Why Your Emails Go Unanswered

8 Reasons Why Your Emails Go Unanswered

Love it or hate it, email remains the most pervasive form of communication in the business world. You use email for everything, from applying for jobs to communicating with your co-workers. The numbers don't lie: In 2014, the majority of email traffic came from the...

9 Ways Successful People Handle Criticism

9 Ways Successful People Handle Criticism

No one in the history of performance reviews ever said, "Please give me your worst possible criticism about my ability to do my job and don't hold's okay - I can take it." In reality, performance reviews, feedback and criticism are the fiber that holds...

How To Maximize Your Paternity Leave & Minimize Your Workload

How To Maximize Your Paternity Leave & Minimize Your Workload

Dedicated to my amazing wife; mother of my two children and to all new parents welcoming their new additions.  On the morning of March 25th, my life, my family and my heart grew a little bit bigger as my wife and I welcomed our second child into this world and began a...

4 Surefire Ways To (Quickly) Upset A Recruiter

4 Surefire Ways To (Quickly) Upset A Recruiter

No one likes to have their time wasted - especially on things that could have been addressed previously or avoided all together. Recruiters know this better than anyone else as their days are filled with hundreds of tasks around sifting through resumes while searching...

6 Lies You Need To Stop Telling Yourself

6 Lies You Need To Stop Telling Yourself

I suck at this. I am not worthy. I am not good enough. I am going to look stupid. Any of these sound familiar? If you're immediate answer is "no", then I suggest you think again and find a quiet place and listen closely because they are indeed there - silently lurking...

5 Steps To Removing Negative People From Your Life

5 Steps To Removing Negative People From Your Life

No one likes, wants or asks for negative people to invade their life. Here are five steps to remove the negative and increase the positive. Being surrounded by negativity, especially in human form really sucks. In fact, after 25 years of research, Dr. David McClelland...

3 Science Backed Tips On Productivity

3 Science Backed Tips On Productivity

Being productive is essential for success, burning out is optional. Here are 3 science backed reasons why you should be taking more breaks and what you should do with your time. Fact: A 15 second break from staring at your computer screen every ten minutes can reduce...

7 Phrases That Kill All Brainstorming Sessions

7 Phrases That Kill All Brainstorming Sessions

buzz • kill   / noun :  a person that ruins an otherwise enjoyable event or moment. Known to lurk under the bright fluorescent bulbs shining down in the workplace.  No matter how hard you try, a "buzz kill" or sometimes referred to as a party pooper or killjoy are...

10 Traits Highly Confident Women Exude

10 Traits Highly Confident Women Exude

One of the most important qualities a woman can have is confidence but recent science tells us that confidence in women isn’t as common as it is in men. Whether it’s “leaning in” or simply standing out – there are 10 common traits highly confident women exude. The...

Why Managers Who Play Favorites NEVER Win

Why Managers Who Play Favorites NEVER Win

Managers playing favorites has been happening in the workplace for decades. Here is what you need to know both as a manager and an employee to prevent this from happening. Favoritism : noun,  fa·vor·it·ism - The unfair practice of treating some people better than...

6 Reasons Why You Should Join A Mastermind Group

6 Reasons Why You Should Join A Mastermind Group

Some of the greatest success stories started in a mastermind group. Here are six reasons why you should join one today. In life, some people walk the path of success on their own while others believe there is power in numbers. Whatever you choose, it is important to...

5 Tips To Asking For A Professional Reference

5 Tips To Asking For A Professional Reference

Asking for a reference or a letter citing how amazing you are can put some people way outside of their comfort zone. The sheer act alone of asking someone for help can stop some people dead in their tracks. Asking for help, support or raising our hand is sometimes...

How To Cultivate Happiness Like The Dalai Lama

How To Cultivate Happiness Like The Dalai Lama

Dedicated to everyone looking to have more happiness in their life. #OutsideWork “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” – Dalai Lama Throughout my whole life, I have been fascinated with the Dalai Lama. His...

10 Surefire Ways Managers Sink Their Employees Productivity

10 Surefire Ways Managers Sink Their Employees Productivity

Dedicated to everyone looking to build a healthier relationship to their 24 hours in the day. #OutsideWork As a general rule of thumb, effective managers and people leaders should aspire to create high performing teams while creating the space for them to achieve...

11 Signs Your Work-Life Balance Doesn’t Exist

11 Signs Your Work-Life Balance Doesn’t Exist

Dedicated to everyone aspiring to create a full life, both inside and outside of the workplace. #OutsideWork Work life balance has become an ever increasing topic these days in the workplace and rightfully so. As our economy grows, jobs are being created and more...

The Dirty Truth About Your Cell Phone Habits In The Workplace

The Dirty Truth About Your Cell Phone Habits In The Workplace

Dedicated to everyone whose made the workplace bathroom their corner office. #SkillsGap Nowadays it seems like our cell phones are glued to the side of our face or stuck to our hands with crazy glue. Separating someone from their phone could be a challenge. So much so...

11 Signs You’re The Office Outcast

11 Signs You’re The Office Outcast

Dedicated to all the people who strive to go from outcast to outstanding in the workplace. #SkillsGap ********** "18.1% of American adults suffer from a clinical anxiety disorder, with social anxieties making up the majority" - National Institute of Mental Health I...

10 Common Truths Between Being A Parent & Being A Leader

10 Common Truths Between Being A Parent & Being A Leader

Dedicated to all the Parents & Leaders around the world -- Thank you for your commitment to those who need it the most. #SkillsGap   I recently read a fantastic article by Marc Chernoff regarding his struggle as a parent raising a young child. It...

15 Ways To Keep Those New Years Resolutions

15 Ways To Keep Those New Years Resolutions

Dedicated to everyone who is looking to make 2016 the year of Big Dreams and #BigIdeas  As I set out to write this article, my last of 2015 - I hope that this will leave you in a good head space as the clock turns, the ball drops and we usher in the unknown of a new...

How To Improve Your Executive Presence And Command A Room

How To Improve Your Executive Presence And Command A Room

Dedicated to everyone with #BigIdeas waiting to step into the limelight. Fact: 80% or more of your communication is non-verbal At some point in your life, you are going to be asked to make a speech, conduct a meeting or make a presentation and as much as you prep and...

20 Ways You Can Give Back This Holiday Season

20 Ways You Can Give Back This Holiday Season

To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world. #BigIdeas Regardless of your religious preference or beliefs - Kindness is one of the greatest gifts anyone can bestow upon another. If someone is in need, lend them a helping hand. Do not wait...

9 Ways To Rewire Your Brain For Happiness

9 Ways To Rewire Your Brain For Happiness

Dedicated to everyone who is up to the challenge of living a life full of happiness. #BetheBoss of your life, start today.   Is happiness something we can cultivate or is it a result of our environment? That my friends is the million dollar question. New...

12 Ways To Deal With CoWorkers Who Gossip

12 Ways To Deal With CoWorkers Who Gossip

"Be careful who you trust, if someone will discuss others with you, they will certainly discuss you with others" When researching this article, I read plenty of articles about how office gossip can be good for your career because it keeps you in the know and could...

10 Things I Want My Son to Learn Before He Becomes a Teenager

10 Things I Want My Son to Learn Before He Becomes a Teenager

Dedicated to all the incredible parents and people managers around the world who look to better themselves and those around them in shaping our future leaders. This article is for you. #BeTheBoss I have spent the past fifteen plus years of my career developing leaders...

30 Inspiring Quotes About Relationships

30 Inspiring Quotes About Relationships

It's been said that relationships are the cornerstone for happiness. No one likes to be alone, in fact we are hardwired to be with other people. Whether it's friends, family or coworkers - at the heart of life lie the relationships we have with other people....

12 Morning Rituals Successful People Add To Their Daily Routine

12 Morning Rituals Successful People Add To Their Daily Routine

Science has officially (and finally) backed the fact that the early bird can surely get the worm and much more if need be. Since you aren't a bird and would probably enjoy a coffee in the morning over a worm, let's take a look at exactly why this is and...

8 Common Attitudes Of Chronically Unhappy Coworkers

8 Common Attitudes Of Chronically Unhappy Coworkers

All of us experience negative thoughts from time to time. However some people tend to dwell longer in this state of victimhood while others take less time to stop, reflect, address and move on. So what creates this unhappiness? The short and less scientific answer is...

50 Instant Productivity Hacks You Need To Know

50 Instant Productivity Hacks You Need To Know

In the truest spirit of being productive and not wasting your time, I will spare you the long opening paragraph and get right to it. Here are 50 (simple) #ProductivityHacks you should know and apply that can make your life easier while improving your relationship to...

10 Key Questions You Must Ask On Your Next Job Interview

10 Key Questions You Must Ask On Your Next Job Interview

Being in a job interview isn’t all about the big corporate company hiring you, you need to make sure that the company you’re going to work at is the right fit for you. Often times, we are quick to forget that an interview is a two way process and just showing up on...

4 Secrets To Overcoming Your Resistance To Change At Work

4 Secrets To Overcoming Your Resistance To Change At Work

In life and especially in the workplace, one thing is constant…change is going to happen! Some people anticipate and welcome change while many others find it both emotionally and mentally challenging. So why is it difficult for so many people? The process of change in...

11 Ways To Handle Toxic Personalities At Work

11 Ways To Handle Toxic Personalities At Work

Surviving the ups, downs, and unknowns within the workplace on any given day can be challenging. Trying to navigate your day from morning "coffee" to "commute" home provides ample opportunity to meet, engage, speak with and interact with a variety of people and their...

100 Movies To Motivate, Inspire and Promote Learning and Leadership

100 Movies To Motivate, Inspire and Promote Learning and Leadership

Finding inspiration to draw from can (and should) come from all walks of life and experiences but, if you find yourself looking for a good (or possibly great) book or movie to watch it can become incredibly overwhelming with all the titles and avenues to find them....

4 Keys To Creating A Wildly Successful Coaching Practice

4 Keys To Creating A Wildly Successful Coaching Practice

Editor Note: This article is designed for all coaches who either have a personal practice or looking to create and/or expand their current practice. Many of the topics I discuss can be used outside of the context of coaching or building a coaching practice. I don't...

When To Use “Internal vs. External” Coaches For Your Company

When To Use “Internal vs. External” Coaches For Your Company

I am often asked what it’s like coaching someone externally versus being an internal coach. The questions aren’t always from fellow coaches but rather L&D practitioners who are either interested in venturing outside their day to day role or looking to take on...

22 Traits Successful Managers Demonstrate Through Times of Change

22 Traits Successful Managers Demonstrate Through Times of Change

Organizational change is constant. Yet many people leaders and managers react to change with denial or resistance. As a change leader, your ability to help people overcome their inertia and get onboard with new initiatives is critical to your success. Being successful...

16 Habits Of Highly Productive People : “Time Management Tips”

16 Habits Of Highly Productive People : “Time Management Tips”

Stephen Covey may be the foremost expert on time management but not everyone has the time (pun intended) or patience to read his wildly successful book the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People". In fact if you are reading this article now, you may fall into this...

30 Things The Internet Can Teach You For Free (& Where To Find It)

30 Things The Internet Can Teach You For Free (& Where To Find It)

1. Learn a new language In case you ever want to ditch the translation book, or just order food at your favorite taco joint with classy authenticity, head over to Duolingo for a totally free alternative to night classes or Rosetta Stone. 2. Learn the basics of...

50 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power & 12 Online Resources

50 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power & 12 Online Resources

1) Meditate — Meditation has been known to increase IQ, relieve stress, and promotes higher levels of brain functioning. Meditation also activates the “prefrontal cortex” of the brain, an area responsible for advanced thinking ability and performance. 2) Draw A...

5 Reasons Leaders Should Embrace Failure

5 Reasons Leaders Should Embrace Failure

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill Whether you like to hear it or not, failing is part of the process of life but the true value in failing comes from the lessons we learn along the way....

45 Things You Should Give Up Today To Live A Happier Life

45 Things You Should Give Up Today To Live A Happier Life

"When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you." Give up trying to be perfect. – The real world doesn’t reward perfectionists, it rewards people who get things done. Give up comparing yourself to others. – The only person you...

6 Ways To Improve Linkedins’ Functionality For Its Users

6 Ways To Improve Linkedins’ Functionality For Its Users

Editors note: I wrote this entire post on my phone while sitting in gridlock traffic on 680. It was spawned after (re)reading Dr. Golemans article on Linkedin and it's entrepreneurial spirit of providing a global platform for its users to share knowledge, ideas and...

10 Signs Someone Is Lying To You

10 Signs Someone Is Lying To You

I have been working with people for almost twenty years professionally but throughout my entire life, I was always fascinated and drawn to human behavior and understanding why people would do certain things in their life. This natural curiosity encouraged me to...

15 Ways To Easily Become More Likable

15 Ways To Easily Become More Likable

Be generous with the words ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. Hold doors open for everyone and anyone if the situation permits. Be of service; however, never expect anything in return for helping out. Be an expert in an area that few others are; therefore, your input will...

194 Inspiring Sayings To Get You Through The Last 194 Days in 2015

194 Inspiring Sayings To Get You Through The Last 194 Days in 2015

Life is short and there is no time to leave important words unsaid. What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. Seek respect, not attention. It last longer. Remember why you started. Today, prove them wrong. The first...

THE ABC’s Of Productive Living: 26 Tips from A-Z

THE ABC’s Of Productive Living: 26 Tips from A-Z

A Avoid negative people, negative habits and negative sources of information. B Believe in yourself and your closest confidants. C Create a healthy balance between career, family and social responsibilities. D Dare to be unique and creative. E Enjoy yourself everyday....

30 Life Lessons Kids Can Teach Us

30 Life Lessons Kids Can Teach Us

This post is dedicated to my three and a half year old son Charlie. The most amazing gift a dad could ask for. Thank you for teaching me something everyday. With all my heart, Dad. Kids (of all ages) live by their instincts openly and without hesitation. They can be...

50 Powerful Books on Personal & Professional Development

50 Powerful Books on Personal & Professional Development

Very often I am asked either what book am I currently reading or doI have a book to recommend to another individual or client. The truth is, there are so many books currently available for a myriad of purposes that to pair down any list would be doing a disservice to...

10 Things Entourage Can Teach You About Close Friends

10 Things Entourage Can Teach You About Close Friends

It starts as early as childhood in fact childhood friendships start your learning process. Early friendships play a vital role because they occur while key developmental changes are taking place. They help teach us some of those important life skills but also shape...

8 Reasons To Give Back Today.

8 Reasons To Give Back Today.

“Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.” - Anthony Robbins You don’t have to be rich like Warren Buffet or Bill Gates to make a difference. Millions of ordinary people — people who you...

12 Ways To Become A More Powerful Speaker

12 Ways To Become A More Powerful Speaker

Public speaking ranks right up there with death in terms of the things we are terribly afraid to do. Whether it’s the fear of being watched closely by others, or the insecurity and self-conscious feeling of slipping up during the presentation, these 12 tips...

25 Reasons You Should Never Give Up On Yourself

25 Reasons You Should Never Give Up On Yourself

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison As Long As You Are Alive Anything Is Possible. Be Realistic & Patient, learning takes time – especially something new. Embrace failure as an...

6 Ways To Becoming More Personally Accountable

6 Ways To Becoming More Personally Accountable

"Accountability is not just a mind-set—it’s also a skill-set that everyone can learn." The Benefits Of Personal Accountability For many people it can be tough to be responsible and take personal accountability. In reality being accountable may not be easy but it...

How To Survive A Boring Meeting

How To Survive A Boring Meeting

FACT: 1 in 5 people are prone to dozing off in a meeting. When I started writing this article, I questioned whether this should be about sleep or the art and science of focus and then it dawned on me… why not simply provide you with what I believe are the best tips,...

5 Lessons On Leadership From ‘The Daily Show’s’ Jon Stewart

5 Lessons On Leadership From ‘The Daily Show’s’ Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart is arguably one of the best, brightest and undoubtedly funniest journalists on the planet. He has won the hearts and minds of millions throughout his epic career along the way surprising the masses with his wit, charm and unremarkable brilliance. If you...

5 Situations When You Should Keep Your Mouth Shut

5 Situations When You Should Keep Your Mouth Shut

I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen. - Earnest Hemingway It could lead you to engage with someone whose only goal is to start a conflict. When someone baits you into an unwinnable verbal duel, it's probably...

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Other People

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Other People

“Comparison is the death of joy.” -  Mark Twain Everyone including myself are guilty at one point in time of measuring our own self-worth, status or success against another individual whether we know them or not. We all have done it at some point in our lives. We...

20 Questions To Free Your Mind

20 Questions To Free Your Mind

"Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.” – Tony Robbins Questions are very powerful and can have a huge impact on your life, but like most things of great power they can disempower you just as much as they can support you....

10 Lies Successful People Don’t Believe

10 Lies Successful People Don’t Believe

We live in a world where we are bombarded, seduced and some might say hypnotized with what success looks like. It’s quite easy to fall into this trap without even being conscious it’s happening to you. In reality, there are plenty of misconceptions and lies we begin...

50 Motivational Quotes To Inspire Your Workweek

50 Motivational Quotes To Inspire Your Workweek

Sometimes the difference between success and failure can be found in a few simple but powerful words. Here are 50 quotes to inspire your workweek so that you can be successful and achieve your goals. Always be yourself and have faith in yourself. Do not go out and...

Leadership Development Starts at an Early Age

Leadership Development Starts at an Early Age

Developing leaders has a lot of parallels to developing a 3 year old. For the past fifteen years, I have been honored, humbled and happy to professionally coach and develop leaders from all over the world. Along the way, I have learned a great deal about what drives...

I’ve got two words for you.

I’ve got two words for you.

* I originally posted this article - my first Pulse piece months ago. I am updating and adding to it due to some new and unfortunate circumstances. Yesterday, I received the dreaded call I knew was coming but was hoping it wouldn't. At 8:31am PST on Thursday October...