Why Developing Your Curiosity Can Boost Your Career
curiosity boosts career

Curiosity — a state of active interest or genuinely wanting to know more about something allows you to embrace the unknown, giving you a greater opportunity to experience discovery and joy.

When was the last time you challenged what you heard?

If you had to think about it for a moment, chances are you could be missing out on some wonderful opportunities to grow your curiosity and potentially develop yourself greater than you thought possible.

After watching this video with Neil deGrasse Tyson at a recent conference to promote children’s learning, it became evident that honing your curiosity is a skill that although starts at a young age, is applicable to everyone and anyone at any age.

Of course children are innately curious beings but so are some of the most important and successful figures in history. Take Albert Einstein or Thomas Edison for starters – their genius and intellect alone wouldn’t have given us the Theory of Relativity or the Light Bulb. The good news is – you already possess the same curiosity (like them) to know more, and that same drive can be applied within the workplace. It’s called your CQ or Curiosity Quotient. According to an HBR article there are two reasons CQ is the ultimate tool in producing simple solutions for complex problems:

  1. Individuals with higher CQ are generally more tolerant of ambiguity. This nuanced, sophisticated, subtle thinking style defines the very essence of complexity.
  2. CQ leads to higher levels of intellectual investment and knowledge acquisition over time

Here are three science-backed reasons how curiosity could improve your career:

  • Intelligence and learning. Curiosity is the engine of intellectual achievement. Studies show that those who are more curious about a topic tend to learn faster. For example, this study shows that curiosity essentially primes the brain for learning. In the workplace, you should adopt a constant learner mentality and seek out opportunities to develop yourself and career through training and development. This will make you both more knowledgable and marketable.
  • Social relationships. Curiosity is something we all value in our friends. If they’re curious about your life, they’ll show more empathy, offer advice and make an effort to include you. Tony Robbins said it best when he stated that “the quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of your relationships.” A study conducted at the University at Buffalo concluded that the degree to which people are curious directly relates to personal growth opportunities. It also determines how deep of a connection is developed when you encounter someone new. In the workplace, this is critical in being “pulled” into new projects and enabling a culture of inclusion and collaboration. Remember, in all organizations, relationships are the social currency for which business gets done.
  • Increased productivity. Curiosity promotes a quest to dig beneath the surface of what’s presented and unravel the details driving the process. The more you can comprehend the details, the better you will understand the process. One study concluded that curiosity increases the dopamine in your system which can help you stay focused, productive and motivated. In the workplace, managing your relationship to time management while getting things done is hands down vital to being successful and a lifetime transferable skill set. You will be seen as a go-to person for taking projects over the finish line.

Final thoughts: There are many ways to boost your CQ and none of them require money, but all of them can impact and improve your career. Although there is more research to be done in this field, the impact of honing your curiosity has been scientifically proven to be effective in improving ones life. Curiosity, at its core, is all about noticing and being drawn to things you find unique. It’s about recognizing and seizing these unique opportunities and learning from the experiences. When you are curious, you will see things differently and begin to use your powers of observation more fully. It doesn’t take much but simply tapping into your already innate curiosity that lies within. I invite you all to start your journey today.

The floor is yours:  How else can you develop your curiosity?

Please leave your comment below as your insights are greatly appreciated and a learning opportunity for everyone reading this article.

With leadership,

Joshua www.JoshHMiller.com

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