My Purpose, My Message…My TED Talk
josh h miller on tedx talk

For those who know me, know that being asked to do a TED Talk was a bucket list item for me and high on the list at that. It’s an honor to be asked and I was excited at the opportunity to get on stage and share my story.

What many don’t know is why I chose the topic I did to share with the world. The events that have transpired during the course of 2017 have been disturbing, to put it mildly. Across the board, it would seem every day the news was bombarding us with some of the most horrific events and it was from this exposure that spawned or dare I say reignited my passion and purpose to empower others so that they can be the best version of themselves.

“I put my heart into my head and from there the words appeared”

I hope you will find the message within and remember to never settle in your life. Every new day begins with you.

If you like it, please share it and give it a thumbs up on youtube. Your comments are greatly appreciated as always.

With leadership,

Joshua /


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