Dear Travis: I Have An Idea
similarities with UBER to coaching

Dear Travis,

I know you are a busy man so I promise to be brief. Let me begin by congratulating you on all your success thus far. A true inspiration!

On my last Uber experience (while stuck in gridlock on the 405) I had a great idea, which I wanted to share with you. My driver overheard my conversation as I was speaking on my phone. When I was done, he asked me what I did for living, as he was curious about how I was speaking to the other person on the line. I explained to him I was a coach and was helping someone out. He was impressed at how it was possible to accomplish a change in perspective through a quick call. I explained what I did, what coaching means and how it works. Then it hit me…I had an idea.

And here it is:

Below are your current Uber offerings. I am proposing a 6th.

1.   UberX seats 4 passengers. It is the least expensive Uber service. Uber X cars are cars like the Toyota Prius, Honda Accord. Known as UberPop in Europe

2.   UberXL seats 6 passengers. UberXL cars are an SUVs and minivans, and an XL costs more than an UberX

3.   UberSelect is Uber’s entry-level luxury service that seats up to 4 riders. Select cars are brands like BMW, Mercedes, Audi, etc. with a leather interior. Formerly known at UberPlus in some markets.

4.   UberPOOL: Share your Uber with another Uber user and split the cost. Read more about POOL.

5.   UberBLACK (Black Car) is Uber’s luxury service. Commercially registered and insured livery vehicles, typically a black SUV or luxury sedan. Black is the most expensive Uber service

6. UberEC (Executive Coach) is Uber’s Business Service.

What it is: Similar to UberBLACK in terms of vehicle but a bit more. For the business professional seeking coaching while driving to their destination. Personal in nature, the four main coaching areas the passenger would choose from would be centered on Wellness, Money, Career and Relationship. Sample topics could include (but are not limited to): Having difficult conversations, Motivation to move forward when stuck on a project or idea, Interview or Meeting Prep. I have (much) more to add to this.

How it works: The driver doesn’t need to be a certified coach since they won’t be coaching. In fact keeping their eyes on the road should always be their top priority. This coaching would be a conversation on the riders mobile phone which would allow for meeting the “on-demand” service and nature of Uber. The passenger would use the same mobile interface to call the Uber except when seeking an EC; the individual would be prompted to include their coaching request. Once inside the vehicle, the passenger would receive a call from their coach and the session would begin. I have more answers to share with you regarding:

  • What needs to be asked to the rider and shared by the individual to ensure a good coaching request?
  • How to get coaches “on board”
  • How long the ride needs to be to ensure a good outcome, meeting expectations for all parties involved
  • Cost and fee structure

Driver Vs. Driverless: Worried about the driver listening in? I already thought this through and can share more on this as well. If it’s a driverless vehicle, even better. Most coaching is actually done over the phone so the rider can focus on the coach and their voice and privacy wouldn’t be an issue since they would be the only passengers. That said, you could still offer this service with drivers who are certified coaches. This would in return make these vehicles less viable unless of course you happen to have a lot of certified coaches who are also drivers. I have more answers to share with you regarding:

  • What’s the engagement look like with a driver vs. mobile coach
  • How to ensure privacy and legal compliance

I would welcome the opportunity to share my greater vision and application on how you could take Uber to the next level of service and continue to lead the way in transportation, connectivity and lifestyle.

Thank you in advance and Happy New Year.

Warm regards,

Joshua /

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