How Taking On Linkedin Raised My EQ
linkedin helps raise EQ

This is my 104th article, marking my goal of writing 1 article every week for 2 years straight. I want to dedicate this to the 68,372 people who chose to follow me, trust me and encourage me to do and be a better person. Thank you!

I originally wrote about this milestone when I hit 52 articles in 52 weeks but seeing as a year has passed – it was only fitting to keep with tradition and share what I have learned.

This time around however, I wanted to look at a what I learned through my recent experience with Linkedin and the specific lens of Daniel Goleman’s 5 Components Of Emotional Intelligence to see if what I learned from the experience actually improved my EQ.

So I did what any normally sane person would do (sarcasm implied), I took a test and lucky for me, it was the same test I had taken previously so I didn’t have to worry about accuracy.

Although not scientific, what I learned is that my recent experience had proved an uptick in my behavior. Here is what I took away from the experience and how it helped raise my EQ:

is the ability to recognize an emotion as it “happens” and requires tuning in to your true feelings as a way to manage them. Sureness about your self-worth and capabilities is major element of self-awareness.

What I learned:

  • It’s important to know where you end and others begin, in this case it’s around other peoples opinions. From the moment I posted my thoughts online – news spread rapidly and before long what began as frustration quickly morphed into a sense of responsibility on my part. 
  • Always behave positively toward yourself and others.
  • Make sure you are able to see and hear other people’s points of view.
  • Keep your personal stuff out of your interactions with others.
  • Remember to help yourself and others grow and succeed.
  • Get up each morning and think, feel and behave authentically. 


SELF-REGULATION is the ability to control how and what emotions you experience and manage disruptive impulses, trustworthiness, adaptability, innovation and taking responsibility for your own performance.

What I learned:

  • Although entitled to my own opinion, make sure you are being responsible for what you say, how you say it and lastly where it’s said. A public platform is just that…public and an open invitation to everyone’s ideas – even the ones you don’t agree with.
  • No matter what someone says, never take it personally – especially if they don’t know you at all. Refrain from demonstrating the same irresponsible behavior. Silence can be golden and powerful. 


INTERNAL MOTIVATION is a passion to work for internal reasons such as an inner vision of what is important in life while pursuing a goal with energy and persistence. Hallmarks include a strong drive to achieve, optimism even in the face of failure, and organizational commitment.

What I learned:

  • In this case, my motivation was high but at first my goal was unclear. As the conversation unfolded so did my ability to quickly grasp where it was headed. I quickly took a step back and assessed what I had started by writing my article and began to define my intention and purpose. It’s okay to set out without direction as long as your open and willing to be agile and pivot along the way to find it.
  • It’s important to honor one’s passion for something while looking for and allowing the natural flow of energy to take shape.
  • Knowing if you possess the ability to be persistent is a critical skill when going after something that is important to you. 


EMPATHY is the ability to recognize and anticipate other people’s feelings while being able to cultivate opportunities through a diverse set of people or groups.

What I learned:

  • Once I got on the radar of a few important people it was critical to know what to do next. These incredible individuals (Jeff WeinerKathy Caprino, Lance C. HealyNicole CloonanBarry HuangCherisse Gill to name a few) reached out to offer support and subsequently took action on my behalf. This was unexpected but incredibly appreciated. Their empathy towards me reminded me how important it is to embody this behavior. It made the difference between finding peace with this situation and being left incomplete.


SOCIAL SKILLS are the ability to manage relationships and build networks, and an ability to find common ground and build rapport.

What I learned:

  • Know, respect and honor your network and what you create. 
  • As quick as you build something up, it can be torn down. It’s important to not only understand that fact but work intentionally to grow and protect it.
  • Never take what you have for granted. Period.
  • When faced with adversity, be able to ask and look to others for support while providing them space to help you.


Final thought:
What started out two years ago as a simple expression of what I was feeling has grown into a passionate journey filled with high’s, lows and a ton of self-learning and discovery. I also didn’t realize how challenging it would be week in and week out to continue writing on topics that you (the follower) would find interesting and add value to your life. Thank you for sticking with me each week and keeping me honest in what and how I write. I listen to you and read every comment you write (yes, even the tough ones) and I hope to continue on this journey with you for years to come but now it’ time for a break.

Thank You!

Please leave your comment below as your insights are greatly appreciated and a learning opportunity for everyone reading this article.

With leadership,

Please click ‘Follow’ if you would like to hear more from me in the future.


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