What you think, you create.
What you feel, you attract.
What imagine, you become.
The LOA (Law Of Attraction) has been around for a long time and was promoted most recently through “The Secret” thanks to Oprah and followed by thousands around the world.Many mistakenly believe that simply creating a vision board and placing it under their pillow will magically manifest their desires. Understanding the principles of the Law of Attraction in the workplace can demonstrate its value in a professional setting. People give up on the Law of Attraction quickly because it requires positive thinking, which can be difficult to maintain.
While not magic, the Law of Attraction can powerfully transform your relationships.
What Is The Law Of Attraction?
- The LOA is the name given to the maxim “like attracts like” which is the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life. In layman’s terms: we attract what we put out.
Law of Attraction in the Workplace: How Does It Work?
- The answer is somewhat simple. Typically the LOA is practiced using visualization techniques and affirmations, which can be both incredibly powerful and enlightening when done correctly. Becoming more mindful of your own thoughts helps you discover what you should keep or remove from your own mind and the reality you experience.
*I highly recommend reading the book The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham to better understand the core principles.
Here’s are four basic principles and practices you can utilize in your workplace starting today:
Practicing Affirmations (Before And) During The Workday
Think about what you want to achieve and try to distill it down so you are left with a powerful mantra. You can practice this either before you step foot in the office, before a big meeting or any time really – the key is around “what you want” the outcome to be and then to focus on that future state. For example, try stating – “today is going to be a great day!” and see where that takes you. Enjoy practicing your affirmation, both verbally and physically.Avoid this: Don’t rely solely on wishful thinking. Affirmations are great but aren’t a substitute for doing the work.
Law of Attraction in the Workplace: Do Some Mindful Meditation
Find a quiet place to mindfully focus on your goals, releasing any negative thoughts and feelings holding you back. Remember, focusing on the positive will attract more positive so aim to alleviate the toxic stuff whenever possible. Offices often have quiet spaces, but you can also find peace in a park, your car, or with calming music. Avoid this: Meditation doesn’t mean you stop thinking, so try not going blank but rather soften your thoughts around what may be troubling you. Be patient without yourself.
Cut Out Negativity
Despite visualization and affirmations, common pitfalls can hinder the full potential of the Law of Attraction. Don’t let your inner critic take the reins. If beating yourself up after a meeting or conversation with your boss is the daily norm – begin to notice these thoughts (and patterns) and slowly replace them with more positive ones by focusing on “what good came out of that interaction?”. In addition, you may simply find removing toxic people from your inner circle will also do the trick. Avoid this: Visualizing your ideal life at night but then spending your days telling people that you doubt you’ll ever succeed.
Law of Attraction in the Workplace: Write Down Your Goals
Writing down your goals clarifies them and inspires action. Then connect those goals to your “why” which are the feelings that achieving the goal will give you. Connecting with your “why” elevates you and attracts opportunities aligned with your goals. For example, think about a project you are working on already and visualize what the emotion attached to completing that project feels like. Avoid this: Don’t aimlessly write down non-specific goals. Be as “specific” as possible and spend time while meditating on what this looks and feels like.
Click here if you are seeking more principles and practices.
The Role of a Leadership Coach
While the Law of Attraction offers valuable principles for cultivating a positive mindset, a leadership coach can further enhance this journey. Specifically, these coaches specialize in guiding and supporting individuals to develop leadership skills, enhance self-awareness, and overcome limiting beliefs. Furthermore, through personalized strategies and evidence-based techniques, leadership coaches empower individuals to embrace challenges and build resilience. Ultimately, by engaging with a leadership coach, you can gain valuable insights and tools to navigate workplace dynamics effectively and unlock your full potential. In essence, a leadership coach acts as a catalyst for positive transformation in the workplace.
Final thoughts on Law of Attraction in the Workplace:
Attracting success and abundance in the workplace begins with your own thoughts and requires transforming certain behavioral patterns. You decide where your thoughts take you. External factors influence you, but ultimately, your choices determine your path. Remember that you are a magnet, attracting everything to you.
The floor is yours:
How do you create a positive mindset at work?
Please share your insights below! They offer a valuable learning opportunity for everyone reading this article.
With leadership,
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