25 Reasons You Should Never Give Up On Yourself
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison
- As Long As You Are Alive Anything Is Possible.
- Be Realistic & Patient, learning takes time – especially something new.
- Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn from your mistakes. Jordan, Beethoven and Stephen King were all rejected in some fashion and yet went on to super stardom.
- Getting knocked down is part of the game of life. Getting back up is how you win at it.
- Finding inspiration is a choice and one that can make a world of difference. Watch an inspirational movie and find some motivation today. I recommend “The Pursuit of Happiness”.
- If someone else can do it, then so can you.
- You already have what it takes, you simply haven’t found a way to access it. Keep looking.
- The feeling of regret or remorse is not a fun place to be. Neither is guilt.
- Feeling like a champion. The feeling of accomplishing something either you thought (or others thought) was impossible is enough to silence the critics and put a smile on your face.
- You are strong. Actually, stronger than you think but you will never know until you try.
- It’s an excellent learning opportunity.
- It could be worse. Sounds trite but there are people on this planet who are happier with less than you have at the moment.
- You are worth it. Seriously, you deserve it – now get after it.
- Things can and always get better. You have to keep moving forward to find out.
- Having breakdowns can lead to breakthroughs. The grass may actually be greener.
- Become a role model for success or simply model the behavior you would want others to see in you.
- Ask yourself this question, “are you missing something in your approach?” – maybe it’s time to course correct.
- Life is short, do something great today that your future self will thank you for.
- You may actually be closer to your goal then you realize.
- It’s a marathon not a sprint. Some goals may require a commitment of effort over a certain period of time. Overnight success rarely happens regardless of what someone may tell you.
- Embrace a setback. See it as proof that you’re working towards your goals and taking chances.
- It’s mind over matter. It doesn’t matter if you think about giving up 1000 times. If you ignore the thought every time and persevere, you’ll still get there.
- You’re only as good as your weakest link. Take a look at your current support structure and see if it’s sufficient for you to achieve your goals.
- When one door closes, another one always open. So keep your eyes open and be ready to turn the knob. Some doors don’t require a key but a slight push.
- You are not your emotions or how you feel. Today is temporary, be with what comes your way but don’t allow a temporary feeling become a permanent emotional state.
“It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.”– Confucius