by | | Executive Coaching, Leadership, Personal Growth
The term influencer used to be connected to large corporations, big firms or a particular product. Now, it’s attached to individuals themselves. Now it’s not just a term to refer to someone, but a highly sought after occupation. Or is it? Why are people so concerned...
by | | Executive Coaching, Leadership, Personal Growth
In an age of ‘alternative facts’, ‘fake news’ and leaders who blatantly lie without blinking, we can’t be blamed for our search and desire for authenticity. It’s exhausting. But what are we looking for? The Truth? Maybe, we can’t handle the truth. Asking for...
by | | Leadership, Personal Growth
In all my years of working with leaders around “being their best”, I have found the wise words of Steven Covey (from his amazing book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”) and his work on adopting an Abundance Mindset to be the best...
by | | Executive Coaching, Leadership
Skies the limit. Feel free to do whatever you wish. It’s a new role so we are open to fresh ideas. It’s wide open, we are looking for you to tell us. Sound familiar? These are just some of the many phrases associated with the phrase “it’s a...
by | | Executive Coaching, Personal Growth
Throughout time, successful leaders have demonstrated an undeniable appetite to learn and lead others. So naturally, when it came to writing another article on Leaders and Development, I wanted to look at one area that is rarely if it all ever discussed… Their...