by | | Executive Coaching, Leadership
Nowadays it feels like you can find a life coach like you can find an Uber. They are everywhere, but that doesn’t mean they should be. It should come as no surprise that having a coach is still seen as a perk or luxury and rightfully so. Coaches aren’t...
by | | Executive Coaching, Leadership, Personal Growth
Every day in the U.S. alone, there’s an average of 11 million meetings taking place. That’s a lot of meetings. The average employee will spend over five hours each week sitting in these meetings and over four hours preparing for them, so it’s no...
by | | Executive Coaching
It used to mean something to have a few letters after your name on your business card or your office door. It still does, but those initials are changing. Even the initials that remain take on new meaning as the face of companies and businesses change. If the way we...
by | | Executive Coaching, Leadership, Personal Growth
News flash: Technology has made us (more) impatient. Who hasn’t stood in front of their microwave, waited for an Uber or stood in line for something and shouted, ‘hurry up’. We have become spoiled for choice and we are still not happy. It seems the faster our access...